Amphetamines Project…?

Question by : amphetamines project…?
i need to know the following things for my project please…

<1> Is it a depressant or stimulant?
<2> How is it used (smoked injested snorted or swallowed)?
<3> Is the drug recreational, street, or an over the counter drug? is it one, some or all of these?
<4> What effect do drugs in general have on the brain cells?
<5> How can this drug physically harm you or others?
<6> How addictive is this drug?
<7> What will happen if you overdose?
<8> What are the financial costs? (How much for a joint, pill. ram etc.)
<9> What are the social risks?
<10> Can addicts get help if so where?

Best answer:

Answer by ??dA?g??
Without cheating on google lol i know one of the legal amphetamines is the drugs given for ADHD so here goes….
1. stimulant
2. swallowed/snorted to get high
3. all of these
4. cause cellular death to brain cells aka brain damage
5. yes
6. sounds addictive lol yes i would say so
7. die probably
8. no idea…ask a pharmacy or an ADHD yahooer lol
9. relationship/work dramas/ – busted selling it on the street (the illegal stuff of course) 🙂
10. ADHD anonymous lolol okay drug councelling

Okay check this website out to give you more info

Answer by casey
1. stimulant (upper)
2. it can go into the body through all of those way; crystal meth (methamphetamine) can be smoked sniffed or injected, ADD meds can be swallowed etc
3. im not sure what the difference you mean between recreational and street is… so i would say some. at some point there mayhave been some over the counter but not now that it is a schedule 2 substance. meth however is made from various over the counter ingredients such as sudafed “Substantial amounts of pharmaceutical amphetamines are diverted from medical use to recreational and work-related uses and methamphetamine is produced in huge quantities in underground labs around the world.” – Erowid
4. first of all he brain can become dependant on the chemicals depending on the drug. weaken memory, judgement, vision, coordination, ability to learn, problem solving skills, distinction of reality and fantasy, time and depth perception. feelings of high anxiety, paranoia, confusion, panic attacks, delusions,cause mood swings (esp durring withdrawl or comedown), and headaches. some drugs destroy the cells all together (such as ecstasy and inhalants) and impede neural transmission.
5. see above (i only listed the bad effects). not only physical but drug addicts cause great emotional harm to themselves and loved ones; lying, stealing, manipulating.. more obviously people that are under the influence should NOT get behind the wheel.
6. it is one of the most addictive street drugs. people can also build up a tolorance to it, needing more to produce a high. some of the withdrawl effects include deprssion, irritability, sleep problems, fatigue, intense cravings, confusion, increased appetite, restlessness, and with long term use “can develop an amphetamine psychosis, which is a mental disorder similar to paranoid schizophrenia. The psychosis is manifested by hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. Bizarre, sometime violent, behavior is exhibited by those with amphetamine psychosis. Symptoms usually disappear within a few weeks after drug use stops.” – erowid
7. rarely fatal but causes seizures, high blood pressure, hallucinations, tremers, irregular heartbeat, nausea or vomiting.
8.prices fluctuate but i found a site that said in 2007 between 5-30 euro per gram, which is very broad. pills such as ritalin, adderall are typically no more than $ 5 per pill.
9. that would be a looong list.. start with the obvious; losing friends, having stereotypes of a drug user, falling behind in work or school, losing your posessions due to habit [house, car, pawning items for money..], bad reputation, getting caught up with the law would be a whole new set of problems..
10. the resources to help addicts are abundant, there are 12 step based self help groups such as NA, out- patient counseling and drug education classes which can be private or through a local government agency (around here they have them at the county health department) and they can get one on one or group counciling, there are in- patient rehab facilities (also private or government funded) where they could go to detox and learn how to live a sober life, rehab stays can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months or more depending on their system. there are ‘half way houses’ which serve as a transition from being in an institution to living on the street and staying clean. these half way houses can work in conjunction with the rehabs and the length of stay varies depending on the program

i really hope this helps… i went to a juvenile rehab when i was 18 so i know a lil bit about all this kind of stuff

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