Both Professionally & From Personal Experience, Are Psychosis & Delusional Behavior Experienced W/ Meth Use?

Question by Kate Keeling PT: Both Professionally & from personal experience, are Psychosis & Delusional Behavior experienced w/ meth use?
A young man I know has schizophrenia, but also a history of meth and marijuana abuse from 6th grade. Since Schizophrenia is a genetic disorder, mostly, he and I were wondering how much and at what point was the drug use a cover up for the Schizophrenia? He admits that he has never told anyone all of what he experiences or has experienced. He is afraid of being seen as too crazy. For social services and insight for his own benefit. it is somewhat important to identify when the schizophrenia began, in force, especially if it was while he was still a dependent. I would be interested in hearing professionals and persons who have had similar experiences or used meth and marijuana from a young age. I want to know if it was self medication for physical, psychosocial, psychological problems. And if any male Schizophrenic persons has had or gradually had more insight to when and what were your earliest symptoms and, “signs” that something just was not right.I am a strong advocate for persons with serious mental illness and I will be Tweeting and Blogging about it and issues around and binding these individuals! At this point I want to help this young man by advocating for him.

Best answer:

Answer by Metalplanttag
Research now indicates that marijuana use increases the risk of depression, as well as schizophrenia. -

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