Does Anyone Here Really Believe Cannabis (“marijuana”) Should Still Be Illegal?

Question by beastap23: Does anyone here really believe cannabis (“marijuana”) should still be illegal?
With all the information we have today, and the discrepancy between the dangers of cannabis vs the dangers of prescription drugs, and fully legal drugs.

The main thing people say is the smoke is bad for you, well you can vaporize it or eat it.

I wanna see your mindset if you think it should be illegal, why do you feel this way? And what should the punishment be for getting caught with the plant?
Thanks Jessie. I just wanted to know how you think. well all i can say is do a little research. its not a hallucinogen, and its not physically addictive. Those are facts. But seriously thank you for not avoiding the question.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Snark
Thank you for clarifying that you mean (“marijuana”) when you refer to cannabis. I wasn’t clear which cannabis you were talking about, but all the superfluous punctuation helped set me straight.

In any event, cannabis was not made illegal because it was thought to be more dangerous than other prescription drugs, so I’m not sure that’s a good starting argument. It also wasn’t made illegal because it is generally smoked.

Keep trying kemosabe, I’m sure you’ll come up with something.

Answer by slew
Yes, I believe prescription Drugs should be more fully Regulated. I find that long term damage of heave Pot use is worse the Heroine. Pot is now believed to help cause various Psychological disorders.

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