How Can I Convince My Friend Steroids Kill?

Question by Matt: How can i convince my friend steroids kill?
He is one of my best friends and its sad that he is taking them. He is super jacked. Ive heard of ppl dying at really young ages with bad diseases. How do i convince him. He is a hard head to so it will not be easy.

Best answer:

Answer by Second_in_pie
It’s good that you’re trying to help your friend!

If he’s really thick the first thing you should tell him is that they make your balls shrink 😀

Answer by jesus_m0123
Well I don’t really know too many of the side effects about using steroids. Ask a health teacher for more information. If you want to scare him out of it try telling him they shrink the size of the testicles, make men grow breasts, etc. (All of that is true by the way, really gross stuff)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Addressing Tobacco Dependence in Mental Health & Substance Abuse Facilities


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