How Can I Get My Druggie Friend to Lay Off Pot?

Question by Ashleigh: How can i get my druggie friend to lay off pot?
He’s 13 and he does drugs ALOT and he thinks he’s gonna die soon i rly care about him (as more than a friend) and don’t want anything bad to happen to him but he’s so frickin stubborn

Best answer:

Answer by Mohammed Khalaf
Your friend may be taking drugs as a symptom of a larger problem. He may be depressed or have mental health issues. He may be taking drugs to deal with this problem because in his state of mind he may not see any other option. I think this is probable, especially if his reason is because he does not have enough strength and sees no other solution.

Talk to him first, when he is sober and not under the influence of drugs. Ask him if he would consider talking to a guidance counsellor or social worker. A good technique is to make a “sandwich” in your conversation. Start with something positive, (ex. “you are such a great friend to me, and I value our relationship”) and then break the negative news (“but i am scared that you use drugs, and am worried because it is dangerous and don’t want to lose you”) and then go back to the positive comments (“and because you are such a great guy, i think that talking to someone would benefit you and help you succeed to overcome your drug use”)

If he does not respond well to this, then you should consider seeking a school guidance counsellor and express your concern. They will maintain his confidentiality, and he does not have to know it was you who talked to the guidance counsellor. If you are worried that you will lose a friendship, I realize it is hard but chances are if he is able to get better he will see that important role you played in his life. If he cannot overcome his drug abuse, you will still feel good knowing you tried to help and that responsibility is taken off your shoulders, allowing you to not feel guilty if something terrible happens.

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