How Do You Define Exactly Drug “misuse” and “abuse”?

Question by Will: how do you define exactly drug “misuse” and “abuse”?
I was looking up the effects of alcohol, and sources kept citing alcohol misuse or abuse. does this just mean excessive binge drinking? what exact kind of use does this define?

and when it refers to drug abuse or misuse, does it count if the drug’s intended use was recreation? (just a joke, I was thinking about what it meant exactly, and it seemed like some drug’s intended purpose was recreation)
actually the legal limit for drunkenness is an alcohol by volume percentage in your blood of .08.
and thats not what i asked about…

Best answer:

Answer by Mike Hunt
Hahaha true, how can you misuse a drug if it’s stated purpose is recreation.
Most drugs are illegal because of the 1% of misused or abused cases, the shock horror stories you hear, the 1 person who died from MDMA when it was actually water. You dont get to hear about the other 99% because they have no valid means of expressing their opinions, grrrr!

Answer by Sarah
Alcohol abuse is when you are over the 2.0 which is the legal limit of getting drunk.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Teen discussion on drug abuse and addiction with Dr. Volkow NIDA – Dr. Volkow has an open discussion with Harlem High School students on drug abuse and addiction. This video can also be viewed at: Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy:


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Drugs of Abuse

Drugs of Abuse

2011 DEA guide to drugs of abuse. Discusses effects, symptoms, origins, appearance, and more.

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