I Got a “Alleged Copyright Violation” on Facebook?

Question by Austin: I got a “Alleged Copyright Violation” on Facebook?
I added a video of ME with background music. I uploaded it on facebook and it was removed. It is on youtube and works fine but is it illegal for me to just post a link to my video on youtube?

Best answer:

The video must not be removed because you made it.

Answer by soccerFooley07
it may be the song thats being used. but i dont think thats the problem. but if theres a certain company brand clearly distinctable in the video (like a nike shirt or some other brand) then facebook can remove it.

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Expert says Shrewsbury man was too ill to intend 1st-degree murder of wife

Filed under: crack abuse

WORCESTER — An expert witness for the defense testified today that Keith Rosiello was suffering from mental illness and drug dependency and was incapable of forming the requisite intent for first-degree murder when he allegedly beat his wife to death … Read more on Worcester Telegram