Is It Illegal to Bring This Onto a University?

Question by Tq2bT: Is it illegal to bring this onto a university?
I’m to give a speech over the legalization of marijuana, and am in need of a visual aid. My first thought would be to combine herbs and spices to make a fake bud, but that got me thinking of what classifies as drug paraphernalia.

What do you suggest?
The visual aid is mandatory and a powerpoint wont classify as acceptable.
I’d bring a cig but I’m too young to acquire one

Suggestions as to what I should bring?

Best answer:

Answer by The Great Quizoo
Why do you need a ‘visual aid’? That will do nothing to further your speech. Use Powerpoint if you really want .

Answer by Chris C
It is called possession. Depending on how much you have, it is either a citation or fine. If you have a lot, they can slap you with intent to sell. That is when you are screwed.

Don’t be stupid, don’t bring drugs as show and tell.

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