Omg…how to Smoke Cocain?

Question by lost cause: omg…how to smoke cocain?
okay i asked the question b4 and all i got was dont do that kind of stuff

i saw this chick on the news doing it and it looked like she was smoking a bong

i just want to know how its done so im not thinking about

im not going to try it im just wondering
ok so it sounded weird saying so i dont think about

how about so i just know how its done and then i dont have to wonder what that chicky was doiin

Best answer:

Answer by ghasem k
openion = dead so u must forget this ieda
good bay

Answer by afi567x
Um…I might be really off…but I think they put it into a pipe (I dunno if it’s the powder or whatever) and then use a lighter on the bottom of the pipe to produce smoke from it then…they smoke it?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!