Please Help……………….?

Question by Vatsoon Tokos: Please help……………….?
Two months ago I was a healthy 18-year-old weighing 110 lbs and height 5’4. My boyfriend constantly told me I had the nicest butt he’s ever seen.
Three months ago I started using cocaine on a more than occasional basis and now I weigh 94 pounds. I no longer have a butt at ALL and plus no chest either (I never really had a chest though).
I need help. I enjoy being skinny, but at the same time I still wish I had a nice butt. My boyfriend says there’s nothing to grab onto now. I want my weight to remain a double-digit number. How can I have both at the same time (a nice butt and my skinniness) ?
It’s weird though…I have rarely ever exercised in my life and I’ve always had unhealthy eating habits and yet I have never weighed more than 110. I don’t understand how I used to have a “hot” body if I had such horrible habits. Plus I smoke about 6 joints of weed every day and have been doing so for the past 3 years.

Best answer:

Answer by cheerbella03
stop using coke? obviously…?

Answer by L0!Nz
Don’t do cocaine anymore…thats a good start. You’ll nees to put the weight back on, so eat a diet of healthy fats and protein and alll that stuff, just ask your doctor about it or google healthy wieght gain. at the same time, do toning exercises for your butt and thighs, and whatever else

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


The X-Change Corporation Announces the Sacred Cow Production presentation

Filed under: Symptoms Crack Cocaine Behavior

Most notably the film befriends Freeway Ricky Ross, the man many accuse for starting the Crack epidemic, who after being arrested discovered that his cocaine source had been working for the CIA. 'American Drug War' shows how money, power and greed … Read more on Sacramento Bee