Psychology Book?

Question by lillollipop1991: psychology book?
I’m in a psychology class and I have to do a book report. It needs to be a fiction or nonfiction book, not an informational one like ” Bipolar Disorder & How to Treat It.” lol no…something like “Girl, Interrupted” like my friend is reading. we’re not allowed to do “Of Mice and Men” or whatever though.

Hopefully you get what i mean. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Squeegee Beckingheim 🙂
The only book I could recommend is “The Bell Jar”, by Sylvia Plath. In this book, which was semi-autobiographical, the main character goes from an up and coming society girl to a whacko. And Sylvia’s transition of the character going from normal to whacko is so descreet you seem to go whacko with her and the main character (I wish I could remember her name!)’s thoughts seem to make sense to you by the end of the book.

Answer by Cat/Curiosity
lisa light and dark was one, there was also another one that was about multiple personalities that unfortunatly i cannot remember the name of but the guy had like 23 different personalities and had no idea…good luck!

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