Ryan Braun Is the Brewers' Big 'but'

Ryan Braun is the Brewers' big 'but'

Filed under: common effects of cocaine

In the early 1980s, Paul Molitor's cocaine habit was so bad, his agent said Minneapolis police had to storm Molitor's house to make sure he was still alive. Numerous Green Bay Packers have been charged with domestic abuse, and … For me, one hits … Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Is Uruguay Considering Giving Joints To Drug Addicted Prisoners?

Filed under: common effects of cocaine

A primary Uruguay health official informed United Nations last week that the country is considering the use of medical marijuana to treat inmates who are addicted to an unrefined and low-priced form of cocaine known as “Paco”. Like Cocaine, this drug … Read more on Carbonated.tv



Filed under: common effects of cocaine

Later at a 12-step meeting, Jackie butts heads with an outspoken Southern woman named Antoinette (Julie White) and when a cocaine addict has a seizure at the meeting, Jackie rushes him to the hospital. As Dr. Roman tries to revive him, Jackie, high on … Read more on Broadway World