drug abuse

Medical Marijuana Laws Have Not Increased Use of Pot Among Teenagers

Medical Marijuana Laws Have Not Increased Use Of Pot Among Teenagers

Filed under: drug abuse in teenagers

If the federal government still considers pot a Schedule I substance with high risk for abuse, shouldn't state governments consider the impact of legalization when it comes to protecting children from this drug? Investigating the issue, a new study … Read more on Medical Daily


Two parents' groups call meeting on drug problem

Filed under: drug abuse in teenagers

What the Highest Rating?

Question by C J: what the highest rating?
i know there a higher rating than R but what is it. The movie HOSTEL i think had it , Its like 21 and above

Best answer:

Answer by Joe

NC-17 is the highest rating a film can receive. You have to be 18 years old to see movies with that rating. In the United States, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is responsible for movie ratings. This is the official description of what NC-17 stands for:

“No One 17 or Under Admitted.

Legal Marijuana Challenges Drug Abuse Awareness

Legal marijuana challenges drug abuse awareness

Filed under: drug abuse in teens

April is Alcohol Awareness Month—a key time for all Islanders to work towards reducing the stigma around seeking help for alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction can affect both youth and adults and is a treatable disease. This year, for the first time … Read more on Mercer Island Reporter


NBC New York – New Trends in Teen Drug Use – Jack, a 21-year-old Phoenix House client, tells NBC New York about new trends in teen drug use.


What Do You Think Are the Most Serious Crime Problems Facing Our Country?

Question by deyana o: what do you think are the most serious crime problems facing our country?

by our country i mean united states

Best answer:

Answer by Michael P
The crimes committed by various members of the Bush Administration.

Answer by diva
cameltoe pants

Give your answer to this question below!


4 Failed Attempts to Crack Down on Prescription Drug Abuse (and Their

Filed under: why is crack addictive

Legislature Argues DCF Budget After Child Deaths

Legislature argues DCF budget after child deaths

Filed under: drug abuse articles

MIAMI (AP) — In the wake of dozens of child abuse-related deaths, Florida lawmakers are considering a bill that would add 400 new child protective investigators. Critics, however, worry the bill overlooks funding to treat mental health and substance … Read more on Daytona Beach News-Journal




Worcester doc on pot study: The risks are inescapable

Filed under: drug abuse articles

Drug Abuse Is Sorcery

Drug abuse is sorcery – There are strange, demonic mysteries in sorcery. A close inspection reveals the source of those strange mysteries. In this video, I mentioned that abusers of…


What Personality Might Have To Do With Drug Abuse Risk

Filed under: drug abuse is

People with certain personality traits may be at increased risk for drug use problems, and studying personality may help researchers better understand and treat these problems, according to a new review. Many studies have attempted to link genes to the … Read more on Huffington Post

Gardening Column: Tiny Tomato Varieties Pack Major Yield, Flavor

Gardening column: Tiny tomato varieties pack major yield, flavor

Filed under: what makes crack addictive

When purchasing plants, make sure they have sturdy stems and fully developed leaves with no blemishes. If flies or other insects are flying around the … Snacking right from the vine can become addictive and might even entice a finicky child or adult … Read more on News Sentinel


Snyder joins drug abuse task force

Filed under: what makes crack addictive

Can U Help?

Question by : can u help?
ok does any one know of any good research topics i can use for my research paper please i need a topic goin back to school on jan 7

Best answer:

Answer by girl
of course.

1. world hunger
2. global warming
3. pollution
3. poverty
4. illegal immigration
5. war in iraq
6. over population
7. diseases or illnesses

are these enough
plz vote me best answer! GOOD LUCK!

Answer by Tickle me Emo
“Teen Pregnancy”

“Gay Marriage”

“Drug abuse”

“The Children of Divorced Parents”

Why Are People Lumping Unemployment Compensation Into “welfare?”?

Question by Josh L: Why are people lumping unemployment compensation into “welfare?”?
So I’m reading Yahoo articles about drug testing for welfare recipients. Great Idea I’m thinking. Then they start talking about receipients of Unemployment compensation. Last I checked Unemployment was an insurance program regulated by the state. Employers pay into it and my wages are reduced accordingly. How does that equate to welfare?
Unemployment is self sufficient 95% of the time. Just because employers pay into it means nothing. The fact that they have to pay into it reduces MY wages. All together that means I paid for my unemployment, no one else. I could collect unemployment for the next three years and still only come up even with what has been paid in for me the past 18 years. That is why it is not welfare.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Crack Cocaine Use Should Feature in Debates: Editorial

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's crack cocaine use should feature in debates: Editorial

Filed under: Drug Addiction To Crack Cocaine

Memo to candidates hoping to replace Rob Ford as Toronto's mayor: When you finish a debate and an incompetent known for smoking crack cocaine emerges looking better than before, you're doing something wrong. That's precisely what happened Wednesday in … Read more on Toronto Star


Charles Barkley On Jason Collins Being First Openly Gay NBA Player – Nba Legend Charles Barkley Sounds off on Jason Collins decision to be the first active player to come out as openly Gay in the NBA.