heroin overdose

Weed, Whisky and Women – the Wonderful World of Satchmo: LOUIS

Weed, whisky and women – the Wonderful World of Satchmo: LOUIS

Filed under: addiction statistics

The statistics of illegitimacy in this country show a great increase in recent years.' The Cotton … It ought also to be added that Armstrong's unique sound was not unconnected with his addiction to marijuana, which he smoked like regular cigarettes … Read more on Daily Mail


SNS Addicts – Social media addiction.


Town Hall Meetings To Discuss Heroin Addiction

Filed under: addiction statistics

Vulnerable Croydon Woman Died After Taking Heroin With Friends

Vulnerable Croydon woman died after taking heroin with friends

Filed under: crack cocaine overdose

A VULNERABLE woman who passed out and started vomiting after taking heroin died – after her friends delayed calling an ambulance. Troubled Nykysher Wedderburn slumped unconscious into her chair after taking heroin and crack cocaine on top of a dose of … Read more on Croydon Advertiser


Nineteen People Indicted for Conspiracy to Traffic Heroin, Crack Cocaine, and

Filed under: crack cocaine overdose

Sannicandro: Rethinking Drugs and Incarceration

Sannicandro: Rethinking drugs and incarceration

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Signs Of Addiction

For nonviolent drug offenders the recidivism rates is roughly 50 percent, therefore the state spends significantly more money for a punishment that creates a revolving door of re-incarceration without tackling the underlying problem of addiction. While … Read more on Wicked Local


Heroin is becoming the drug of choice of the young, the restless, the dead

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Signs Of Addiction

Doug Ford Won't Run for Ontario Progressive Conservatives

Doug Ford Won't Run For Ontario Progressive Conservatives

Filed under: where does cocaine come from

And, after a video was released last month showing an inebriated Rob Ford swearing in Jamaican patois at a fast-food restaurant, Doug Ford emphatically told reporters his brother was still on the wagon. Hours later, Rob Ford admitted he did, in fact … Read more on Huffington Post Canada


Poll: Bay State supports reforming criminal justice system, not adding jails

Filed under: where does cocaine come from

Maine Governor Cites 'Troubling Epidemic' of Addicted Babies

Maine Governor Cites 'Troubling Epidemic' of Addicted Babies

Filed under: drug addiction news

With the country's attention focused on overdoses and deaths because of heroin, Gov. Paul R. LePage of Maine on Tuesday turned the spotlight on babies that have been born in his state to drug-addicted mothers. Mr. LePage said that 927 “drug-addicted … Read more on New York Times


McDonalds CEO Claims Weight Loss on Fast Food Diet – News Room


Heroin Gains Popularity as Cheap Doses Flood the US

Filed under: drug addiction news

Former Crack Addict Shares Story

Former Crack Addict Shares Story – Thu, May 23, 2013: A Halifax woman says her crack cocaine addiction nearly ruined her life. But a decision to confront her drug use and come clean has turned…


Why Decriminalizing Marijuana Will Help the Failing War on Drugs

Filed under: Crack Addiction

If anything, judging from the thousands of family breakups, the mountainous carnage from alcohol-related accidents and physical deaths from liquor addiction, marijuana use is far safer than alcohol. But marijuana, as with the wildly disparate racial … Read more on Highbrow Magazine

Why Are Drug-Addicts Treated Like Criminals?

Question by Cameron: Why are drug-addicts treated like criminals?
And how exactly does putting a drug-addict in jail help them get off the drugs and return to being productive members of society? Is it obvious when billions is spent on the war on drugs with an 80% failure rate and a worsening poverty and societal discontent?
“(3) Whether or not they become a “productive member of society” is *their* choice.”

Why Are Benzodiazepines Abused?

Question by Sarah S: why are benzodiazepines abused?

Best answer:

Answer by Buster Hymen
To get high.

Answer by silky1
This family of drugs accounts for five out of the 10 categories in the government’s list of most abused drugs in the United States. Between 10% and 15% of all Americans are taking them. Part of the reason that so many people are abusing benzodiazepines is that they account for about 33% of all prescription drugs. They are classified as Schedule IV substances, which means the government considers them more habit-forming than addictive.

What do you think? Answer below!

SALINE: Man Dead as Police Respond to Two Suspected Heroin Overdoses on

SALINE: Man dead as police respond to two suspected heroin overdoses on

Filed under: facts about drug abuse

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration provides some resources sharing facts about drug abuse. One resource, the website JustThinkTwice.com, is aimed at teens and has information of a variety of topics, such as a section on the facts and fiction … Read more on Heritage Newspapers


Overwhelming Statistics of Addiction Facts in Young Tonnages – The statistics of health & welfare of America’s youth is really staggering lot of teenagers are struggling eating disorders, self-injury, earning disabilitie…

The Inhumanity of Sentencing a Person to Life Without Parole for a Nonviolent

The Inhumanity of Sentencing a Person to Life Without Parole for a Nonviolent

Filed under: how to cook crack cocaine

Wintersmith grew up in a family where drugs were used, and crack cocaine was cooked, packaged and sold. His mother died from a heroin overdose when he was 11 years old. He moved in with his grandmother and had to take care of his siblings. His aunts … Read more on Firedoglake


The crack – What is that sound and where is it coming from?