The Real Effects of Addiction Possible Crack PSA Commercial


The Real Effects of Addiction Possible Crack PSA Commercial – there is a lesson to be learned here… starring Mr. Dick, the cronies and JB Discover the TRUE EVILS of addiction to CRACK COCAINE through the wacky adventures of the infamous Mr. Dick! Watch in insanity as Mr. Dick and his old ‘Nam buddy “JB” reunite for the first time in seven years. See how a call out of the blue promising the smokings of rock sparks one of the wackiest adventures ever captured on tape! Someone you know on the dope? One watch of this video will scare them right back into a dull sober existence. It’s like one of those 1980’s PSA doper public service ads… on CRACK! Hurry! Click now before you fire up that last rock! —————————————– contains filthy language, violence and simulated crack smoking. No animals on crack were harmed during taping this skit.


Psy Eft O/Cocain & Crack (Psy) (Z) (Encyclopedia of Psychological Disorders)

Psy Eft O/Cocain & Crack (Psy) (Z) (Encyclopedia of Psychological Disorders)

Examines the problems associated with the use of crack and other forms of cocaine, focusing on the mental and psychological disorders that can occur.

List Price: $ 28.95

Price: $ 28.95