West Africa Becomes Transit Point of Illicit Drug Trafficking

West Africa becomes transit point of illicit drug trafficking

Filed under: physiological effects of cocaine

World Drug Day, which falls on June 26 each year, is designated by the United Nations to increase public awareness about physical and psychological effects of drugs. In May 2013, the National Drug Enforcement Agency publicly destroyed more than two … Read more on Global Times


DEA Carries Out Largest-Ever Synthetic Drug Bust

Filed under: physiological effects of cocaine

… substances perceived to mimic cocaine, LSD, MDMA, and/or methamphetamine. Users have reported impaired perception, reduced motor control, disorientation, extreme paranoia, and violent episodes. The long-term physical and psychological effects of … Read more on Newsroom America


6.4 million drug addicts in Pakistan

Filed under: physiological effects of cocaine

He said that majority of drug addicts usually start with soft drugs like 'chhaliya', 'gutka' and 'pan' and then move to the hard drugs like heroin, opium and cocaine etc. The purchase of drugs or alcohol by young people is usually through dealers or … Read more on The News International