Where Can I Find Statistical Figures About Drug Addiction in Lebanon?

Question by matarali59: Where can i find statistical figures about drug addiction in Lebanon?
k guys im searching for some statistical figures about the variation of drug addiction in Lebanon, Middle East, can someone help me with that, or give me some resources so i can check?
Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Sugar Stick =)
Hello, i simply researched and found these websites by typing in “Lebanon Drug Addiction Statistics” in Google.

Here is wat I found, and i hope it is helpful to you:

http://www.addictionsearch.com/treatment/KY/city/lebanon.html (There’s a link to ‘Statistics’ on the left side)
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=1&categ_id=1&article_id=110690 (article…)
http://www.hmc.org.qa/mejem/sept2005/Edited/os2.htm (An EXCELLENT website)
http://www.addictionsearch.com/treatment_facilities/city/lebanon/OR/rehabilitation-centers_1.html (Not too sure about this one, but i posted it anyway…)

This is just basic info, with other thorough research using search engines like Yahoo, Google, Wikipedia and Bing… who knows what you’ll find. Remember, use key words, not sentences!


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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