Tempted to Try Ecstasy … Unsure? :)?

Question by : Tempted to try ecstasy … unsure? :)?
Well to make a long story short, I’ve tried…marijuana(5yrs), hash once, cocaine(2months), meth once, crack once, (those 2 were disgusting, was just curious why other ppl loved it so much), and a variety of pills from trazadones and seroquils to morphine pills and oxycontins(amount varies)…..hmm now that i’m typing all of this, the question i’m about to ask seems kind of silly.

anywho, all of that crazyness was 3-4 years ago, and since then i’ve really only been a daily weed smoker. i did a tiny bit of coke a month and a half or so ago. I’ve turned down X 2 or 3 times so far, I find it odd, the look of it (the colored pills with different widths), the effect…etc, and i was wondering if its “safe” to try?

and by safe I mean, in comparison with all the other things I’ve done…, could this screw me up? Only once have I ever had a “bad trip” but that was with a legal hallucinogen (i believe anyways) called Salvia….totally screwed me up and had me twitching for the rest of the night, anyways the visuals were awful.

all in all, Can I take a pill with some friends (that do this semi-regularly) and I feel comfortable with? Could I say anything to make myself look stupid while on X? any more-so than the rest of the drugs i mean. None of the drugs I mentioned earlier ever made me feel zombie or anything, I was always relatively concious and able to think. I just don’t know enough about this drug.

Thoughts? (sorry if i typed too much, tried not to :S)
Lol I apologize, I dont mean to talk about them as if they were candy, about 3-4 years ago I might say otherwise…I was about 17. Now 21. It’s just one of those things…I never got to try, and as my friends say, was the one i should have tried. I’m pretty much over drugs, marijuana included. Time to taste sobriety 🙂 ….after that pill maybe ^_-

Best answer:

Answer by ?
with out reading everything you have written I can say this much.

The Ecstasy that is around now is not made of much MDMA. That is the ingredient that makes Ecstasy what it is. Mdma in the pure form is not even a pill. They had dopey and speed like ingredients to form it into a pill. Now a days there are more of the other ingredients than anything else.

Answer by Crystal?of?Iris
The thing that disturbs me about this question is that you talk about these drugs are if they were like candy. If I were you, I wouldn’t try ecstasy. Do you want your brain to look like Swiss cheese?

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